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#给北美金融专业的小伙伴们分享一些面试题(反正没人看)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

个人整理的一小部分Fund firm面试可能会问到的问题,只对于刚毕业的fresh grad, 以下的questions分为technical和behavioral:

Technical Questions: 一般fund industry对于新毕业生的面试会很偏向于technical interview,毕竟没人想招一个连equity和debt都分不清的小聪明鬼

Company capital structure

[equity{common share, preferred share}; debt {corporate bond (redeemable/callable bond)}]

Equity and debt difference? 

Equity: shareholders have ownership of the company.

Debt: Bond holders earn interest from the company but have no ownership.

What is an option?

期权,gives someone rights to buy/sell underlying asset, you could choose either exercise the option or let it expire. 

Long call, long put, short call, short put: 简单来说就是你自己long或者short这些option,具体解释看这里:http://futuresoptionsetc.com/2010/05/long-short-options-terminology-what.html

Difference btw Forward&Futures

Forward: 远期合约 Futures:期货。这两个东西非常像-不同的是远期合约属于场外交易,属于OTC mkt 期货是在交易所exchange交易。

in summary: Forward contracts are private contracts among two parties which lies below the OTC market, however futures contract is traded through exchanges.

(可能会问怎么用futures 去hedge risk, hedge ratio那些,我当时没被问到但是有朋友被问greek了...这可是CFA level 2的东西)

Difference btw Futures&options

这俩都是能在特殊时间买入、卖出特定产品,最主要的区别是Futures you have the obligations to fulfill your duty that written on the contract. But for options you can choose either to fulfill the duty or not

毕竟call option is Max(S-K,0) , Max(K-S,0) for puts.

S: Strike Price, price at which the underlying security can be either bought or sold once exercised.

K: spot price/market price

注:以上指的是Euporean options,不是American option和Asian option

What is a options combination

说白了就是一起买几个options然后组合起来达到不可告人的目的.... 比如 Strangle就是combination的一种,investor hold both call&put option for the same underlying asset but with different exercise price.

What is Long&Short position

Long:长仓、头寸 Short: 短仓,空头儿 Short sell:做空,常见(不是)操作

Which market Forward contracts are traded?OTC

What risk do you have if you are in positions with Forward contract? How do you deal with this risk? 


Describe about Black whole Mertons Model

这个是options pricing model, 公式有点复杂:


How do you calculate value of forward contract

Value of underlying-forward price/viceversa

What is swap掉期,说白了就是exchange of cashflow,这个具体的value我也没搞懂...而且swap种类很多,比如bullet

Behavioral Question:比较考验面试人的临场反应能力,可能会冒出一些奇葩问题

Difficult people to get along with When you make a mistake however that's not your fault(结合自己情况作答,实际上面试官更想听你通过经历这些事情学到了什么、得到了什么教训,或者你是不是一个team player,你的加入会不会给团队带来更多的value)Some questions about your resume

Excel questions (Pivot table, formulas)




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